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Nothing more distracting than immediately using a program that you wrote.
The latest Common Voice dataset, released today, has achieved a major milestone: More than 20,000 hours of open-source speech data that anyone, anywhere can use.
Almost a month ago, we announced MDN Plus, a new premium service on MDN that allows users to customize their experience on the website.
Distro hopping is a term that refers to the activity of computer users constantly installing and trying out different Linux distributions and/or BSD variants, either on bare metal or in a virtual environment, having a real difficult time choosing …
If you’re looking for answers related to Linux or BSD (or anything for that matter), Reddit is most likely not the right place to search for them.
Since I wrote The delusions of Debian, I have received a lot of email and questions.
This micro blog is powered by Hugo; a static site generator that has lots of features.
TL;DR: I ❤️ hugo but hate emojis.
Sometimes I’ll highlight stuff to draw attention to my fine eloquence.