Composite photo showing the phases of the moon (© Delpixart/Getty Images)
Ave Maria refactor and rewrite.
One reason my web traffic statistics are public is to demonstrate why having a website might not be worth your while.
Male American bison in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (© Donyanedomam/Getty Images)
what a nice day.
2022-07-18 incident update
RFC 9241: Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI) Footprint and Capabilities Advertisement Using Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
I’m just about almost done rewriting the CSS of my main blog just the way I like it.
Omijima Island in Kita-Nagato Kaigan Quasi-National Park, Japan (© Sean Pavone Photo/Adobe Stock)
The Wave sandstone formation in Coyote Buttes North, Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Arizona (© Dennis Frates/Alamy)