nikitonsky: When you have enough space for ellipsis but not enough for a single letter “e”
The Hickman Bridge at Capitol Reef National Park, Utah (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)
Check out this really nice approach to rendering fully static LaTeX with hugo by caching remote fetches from a quick and simple KaTeX API.
nikitonsky: The in-place popup might not be such a good idea if it gets in a way of using other controls
An active lava tube, Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii (© Tom Schwabel/Tandem Stills + Motion)
I’m just now realizing that there might be a schism within the Nix/NixOS ecosystem/community on old versus new interfaces.
nikitonsky: Why the fuck is someone’s retweet in my notifications?
Noctilucent clouds in Lithuania (© ljphoto7/Getty Images)
Don’t believe everything people say — users secretly love ads, clickbait and top 10 lists.
dmitriid: LinkedIn, “the world’s largest professional network”, cannot even imagine that people may actually know when they start at a new company.